Sustain & Gain

Stage Three

The third stage of the RAQI Model is the control and continuous improvement projects to ensure the continuous transformation of the organization toward wellness with continuous assessment every six months of the burnout level and work profiles to estimate the effectiveness of the solutions implemented, in this stage, RAQI Model utilizes Psychological Capital (or “PsyCap”) is an individual’s positive psychological state of development characterized by hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism. An organization with high employee PsyCap can adapt quickly for successful organizational change initiatives.

PsyCap encompasses four characteristics (HERO):


The ability to persevere toward goals and, when necessary, redirect paths to goals to succeed.


Confidence to assume and dedicate the necessary effort to succeed at challenging tasks.


The ability to sustain and bounce back or excel to attain success when beset by problems and adversity.


The ability to make a positive attribution and expectation about succeeding now and in the future.

Embrace a culture of continuous improvement with our Continuous Improvement Projects. Through ongoing assessment and evaluation, we ensure that your organization remains on the path to wellness. Utilizing Psychological Capital (PsyCap), we empower employees to adapt to change and thrive in dynamic environments. With RAQI, transform your organization into a beacon of resilience and well-being.

Read Useful FAQs

3 2What is the relationship between the MBI scales?
3 2Which MBI form should we use?
3 2Why do I need to look at the person’s life context and not just their burnout level?
3 2Why isn’t there a single burnout score, or can I just use the Emotional Exhaustion scale?

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